Altar & Rosary Society
The Altar & Rosary Society is a ministry of SS Cyril and Methodius, where many women with great devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary have been serving our parish since the 1920s. We are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin and strive to support the spiritual needs of our members and the material needs of the altar, sacristy and the church.
There are four meetings every year on the 3rd Sunday of January, April, June and October. We attend the 7:00 AM Mass. Before Mass, we recite the rosary for the intention of the Society. After Mass, our business meeting is held at Cog Hill, with breakfast starting at 8:30 AM and business tended to afterward.
All women of the parish are welcome. Our dues are $5.00 annually and the time commitment is minimal. If you think you might be interested, call or join us at one of our meetings. Please pray for us and pray the rosary often.
For more information contact: Linda Wesolowski, President at