SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish Center
Forward in Faith

We are excited to be moving forward with our new parish center project!
Having completed a feasibility study with positive results, we are now looking at the best way to proceed in bringing this vision to a reality. We have based the campaign on five principles that will ensure success!
We have shared more of our collective vision for this exciting space including a display of the conceptual drawings our architect provided us. Many of you took the opportunity to join us for a tour of our current meeting and office space in the rectory. We hope that these activities provided you with a sense of our current limitations and what we can accomplish together through a new parish center.
In the coming weeks and months, you will have the opportunity to hear more about this project, and the specific goals for each element of the parish center. This new facility will give us the ability to increase the impact of our ministries, offer flexible space for both parish and school use, and offer us a new worship space in which to gather and offer our hearts to God.

The new parish center will include:
A 100-seat chapel – to meet the needs of our daily Mass and devotions
Multi-purpose rooms – for parish and school gatherings
Office center – bringing our staff under one roof
Washrooms – accessible from the existing church building
Basement – equipment storage for both the parish and school
Click the logo above to read more about the
To Teach Who Christ Is Archdiocesan Campaign.
I have already had parishioners ask me how they can become involved in this important project. I am encouraged that more than 20 of our parishioners have already agreed to be a part of a leadership group guiding us forward. Many more will be needed before our project is completed. Over the coming weeks and months, you will have the opportunity to learn how you can be involved in bringing our vision to life through your time, talent and sacrificial gifts. See what our volunteers have been saying!
For now, I ask you to join me in praying for the future of our parish. We seek God’s guidance in all things, and take comfort in knowing that through Him, we may accomplish more than we can ask or imagine.
“O Lord God, you have taught us, ‘Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build.’ We ask you to look with kindness upon us, our parish and our school, and send your Holy Spirit to guide us. Open our hearts to do your will, that we may present to you a sacred space in which to work, celebrate, learn, and gather together to praise your Name. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.”