Parish Council
Supporting the Mission of the Parish
The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of nine parishioners, who, with Father Waldemar Stawiarski, serve in a leadership role to promote and support the parish mission statement, the Gospel message, Christian values and the mission of the church.
We aid in the establishment of policies and procedures relevant to the operation of the parish. Specifically, we work to create and maintain avenues of communication between the parish and the membership of the parish and define the needs of the parish.
Serving You During Our 130th Anniversary and Beyond
We are in a very exciting time of our parish history. Celebrating our 130th Anniversary in 2014 has reminded us that we have much to be proud of, from a rich and vibrant history, to a present day parish that is as large and as stable as any time in its history.
Crafting a vision and plan for the future of the parish, has, and continues to be an exciting challenge for the council. Thanks to you, a solid foundation has already been built. During the summer of 2007, the Parish Council conducted a survey of our parishioners in order to establish the future goals of SS Cyril & Methodius Parish. The outcome of this survey was communicated through the “We Will” statements that were mailed in the Spring of 2008. These statements set goals for the parish in four areas: space, education, parish unity and family and faith formation.
The Parish Council has taken steps towards accomplishing these goals. Some of the goals are possible to achieve in a very short time and several have been met already. Other goals, such as those related to the space issue, will take a longer time to reach. Still others, such as parish unity and faith formation will continue to be an ongoing commitment of the Parish Council in the future. As we celebrate 130 years as a faith community, the Parish Council is dedicated to providing guidance and solutions for the present and future of SS Cyril and Methodius Parish.
Council Membership
Each member serves a 3-year term and three seats open up on the Council each year. Interested candidates who already served with one of our parish organizations should contact the rectory at 630-257-2776.
The Council meets on the 3rd Monday of every month (except July) in the Rectory Meeting Room from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. All parishioners are welcome to attend meetings.