(Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Take a look at the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). RCIA is a process by which the Catholic Church welcomes new
members into its communal life. RCIA is a living experience of the Church, and not just a series of classes that teach knowledge
about the Church. Although there is instruction in the facts of the faith, instruction is but one part of a larger experience of
knowing and sharing with other members of the Church.

One might wish to take a look at RCIA for one of the following reasons:
* I definitely want to become a Catholic.
* I think I might want to become a Catholic.
* I’m 'just looking' - not sure at this time.
* I don’t want to join, but just want to know what Catholics believe.
* I’m Catholic, but have had little or no contact with the Church.
Who Becomes Catholic Today?​

Who are the people who join the Catholic Church today? You or someone you know may be in one of the following life situations:
♦ Young people who are engaged to marry Catholics want to share not only their lives and values, but also their faith.
♦ Young parents who are expecting their first born or have children starting school often find that this is the time to join a faith community that will help them find God in their lives and establish moral values in their family.
♦ People who are baptized either in the Catholic faith or another Christian religion, but were not brought up or educated in the religion. As the years go by, they may seek to return to their Christian roots.
♦ People from all backgrounds that are seeking God in their lives…looking for answers to life and death questions. The Catholic Church offers great traditions of Scripture, the worship of God in vibrant liturgies, intellectual studies of theology, joyful celebrations through the Sacraments, care for the sick and the dying and love and hope for the poor of the world.
Take a Look at RCIA

Interested in Learning More About the Catholic Church?
Take a look at the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process by which the Catholic Church welcomes new members into its communal life.
RCIA is a living experience of the Church, and not just a series of classes that teach knowledge about the Church. Although there is instruction in the facts of the faith, instruction is but one part of a larger experience of knowing and sharing with other members of the Church.
We begin this process in a period of inquiry in the fall - a time to ask questions. The only requirement is a desire to explore one’s relationship to God through the Catholic faith. No firm commitment to join the Church is needed at this time.
**Note-we have RCIA programs for children and teens as well.
For more information contact your pastor the office at
St. Alphonsus Parish, Lemont, 630.257.2414